
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Saturday Night Festivities...

So when we last left off, myself and my downtrodden Golden Eagle Backers were heading to CCR.. for those not familiar with Northern Virginia and the gloriousness that is CCR here is the scoop...

CCR otherwise now as Crystal City Restaurant, is not your average dining establishment, with a Thursday Night special of $10.99 Rib-eye, baked potato and side meal. Instead it offers such a special, but in addition it offers a side of flesh as well. For those who have not been inside the hallowed halls of the CCR is its a man's dream.. a good meal, cold beer and some good ole fashion strippers... All for the amazing cover price of absolutely zero dollars!

Now you may ask.. how do you ever find a seat in this joint.. well in fact it is kinda tough some nights, but there are all so down sides to the place.. first the dancers only dance on stage.. there are no lappers, no VIP room and especially no champagne room.. However, if you like to watch the ladies dance, and not feel pressured to buy a lapper (most guys) or make sure you don't get to drunk and buy the house a lapper (me) its a safe alternative... and in general to my friends and I has some amazingly hot women.

To me this is the part I just don’t get.. for all of you who have ever frequented an establishment of this type.. we all know that dancers make their money off of the premium product.. not off of dancing on stage, but rather lappers, VIP room and the such.. so how does CCR attract good looking women when they do not have the benefit of such offerings.. I would like to suggest CCR be named the 8th great Wonder of the World.

So as you can probably guess, by the time we left, we were a bunch of drunk, turned on group of guys that needed more beer. So we decided to head over to the 4th Holiday Party of the year for me... (see previous blog for my Holiday Party Challenge)..

We realize pretty quickly once we got to the party.. that we were early.. when I say early, I mean the first ones there.. but normally that’s cool because first in the for the keg :) As we continued to get drunker, the PACO in my started to come out.. for those that are unfamiliar with that story.. I'll have to write it later.. but I am pretty sure you may at times have seen me act this way..

I began to throw my smooth ways all around the party, unfortunately as always, the female population just wasn’t very into a drunk brown man slurring his words and spilling his Simply Go Naked all over them, but oh well, its mostly about the effort.

Anyway.. thanks to Buttram 3, Eric and myself managed to extricate ourselves from the Holiday festivities and I was able to head on back to the homestead, to prepare for a day of one continuous headache, and water.

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