
Friday, March 2, 2007

Movies and Dogs

So my last week or so has been one continous run of movies and dogs, which both happen to be a couple of my favorite things in the world.

I recently watched the Departed, which if you aren't familiar with you really need to get in touch with the world. Its a Marty Scorsese film that won him is first Academy Award, which I learned is the same as the Oscars. It also stars Jack Nicholson, Mattttttt Damon, Leo Dicaprio, Marky Mark Wahlberg (one of my favorites), Marty Sheen, Alec Baldwin, and of course Anthony Anderson. Think big black guy from all the funny movies like My Babies Daddy, Romeo Must Die, and Barbershop.

The movie is fricking amazing! The major complaint I heard, was that the ending was kind of forced. But I believe that is the only way you can end a movie in this genere. I am not saying anything more because I don't want to ruin it.

I also watched the Illusionist which stars another two of my favorite actors.. Ed Norton.. come one who doesnt like 25 hours and Fight Club and Death to Smoochy. Also Jessica Biel because she is amazingly hot! I wanted to watch the Prestige because I heard it was a better movie, and all be it kind of predictable only because of one sceen early on, I thought they Illusionist was pretty intriguing, dark, and all around a decent flick.

Also I have been feeling a little stir crazy these past two weeks being back at home. It is not actually from living at home, but now that I live in a place where I could have a dog, it is so hard not to. I have managed to hold back on this issue because I know this living situation is temporary, but at the same point I have found myself scouring Craigslist and pet sites looking at all the adorable puppies available for ownership and friendship. Check it out.. these are some of the best.

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