
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fox.. Get with the Times...

With the emergence of cable, pay per view and services like Tivo and DVR, network TV has taken a major hit over the past 10 years. Why watch the show when you can Tivo do what you need to do and watch it with minimal commerical interruption? In fact most besides sports, how much network TV really is watched. I am sure it is becoming less and less.

How do you battle such technological advances you may ask? Streaming Video!!!

Whats streaming video you may ask? Its a complex (way over my head) setup that allows you, the viewer, to view a television show online whenever you want to with limited commericial interruption, I believe on ABC its 20 seconds instead of 2 minutes. What network TV has done is go to uploading their programs on to their website shortly after it airs real time, so that you can catch up on episodes you missed or rewatch episodes after an extended break in new episodes. Its pretty awesome, I can watch an episode whenever I want to rather then having to be stuck in front of my TV to get my fix. Eat that Cable! However, one channel just hasn't figured it out yet.. Guess who --- FOX! Now I don't watch much Fox, but I wish I could get my Prison Break fix with out having to be at my TV on Mondays at 7 pm CST. Its kind of frustrating to be honest. I can watch Grey's Anatomy on Sunday afternoons with out sacrificing my Thursday going out night, and I can watch Black Donnellys and get caught up on the first 2 episodes I missed all without missing a beat and when it is most convenient for me.

Besides streaming video, the release of DVD seasons which has been all the rage has also increased viewership, speaking of which, I need to get caught up on Lost. Also the success of iTunes selling both movies and TV shows has allowed network TV to create revenue out of shows that they have already bought.

Finally network TV is starting to go the route cable, TIVO and DVR having been leading them.. to what is the most convenient to you the viewer!

Now if only Prison Break and Fox would figure this out!

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