
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Where have you been Frank???

Believe it or not ... I have been right here.

Just have been swamped planning my next 6 month adventure and my move to Milwaukee, WI, my hometown! Sorta excited about it, because I have a lot of friends there, my family is pretty much all there as well, but even more importantly, beer is 2 dollars a bottle, a shot will only cost you $2.50 and a good night of drinking and fun (with the use of specials) will run you an amazing 25 bucks plus tip! Seriously do you know how much cash I am going to save!

Lets take a second to compare the economics of DC vs Milwaukee...

Beer (Avg. Price of Miller Lite) DC - $4, MI - $3
Shots (Avg. Price) - DC - $5, MI - $2.50
Late Night Food - DC - pretty much non-exsistant. MI - Everything imaginable.. cheap

My entire budget will go through the roof.. in addition I am doing the living at home thing, which is kind of lame right, but my parents have actually grown on me and they are sort of cool and have some good insights on my life. I think there is a normal maturation process for all young people that at some point, your parents should start becoming cool or at least okay enough to socialize with.

So there is my economic status as of end of January.. basically to drink even more then I do when I get to Milwaukee.

Another quick topic I wanted to touch on ...

This show is insanely addicting. I started watching it at the beginning of the second season, because an ex-girl friend of mine suggested it and it also came on after Desperate Housewives.. oh Teri Hatcher.. But I digress..

Anyway I have managed to flow it through impalements, cancer surgeries, cheating on everyone possible, babies being born, dying fiances, quiting medical practice, bombs blowing up, george, McDreamy, McSteamy, the chief retiring and getting shot down by his ex-wife.. but last week I saw something that I just couldn't believe..

Addison getting shot down by Karev.. No Way

Addison, played by Kate Walsh (IMDB Profile), is probably one of my Top 10 hottest women. I dont exactly know why, but something about her and it may be the doctor character she plays really creates this aurora of WOW...

So when Krev shot her down, I was in a state of disbelief... I can take all the random craziness associated with Seattle Grace Hospital, and suspend disbelief for a little bit, but there is something totally and utterly wrong with Addison getting rejected. I am sorry ABC but you lost me there!

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