
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Volleyball and Career Success...

Hello my name is Frank... And I am a volleyball Addict!

I love the game. It has become the highlight of my work week, playing on Tuesdays and on Thursdays. I never would have imagined. Now while I am still a work in progress from a skill stand point, it has truly been a lot of fun. The Tuesday team I play on is called "Da Big Indian and the Slammers" -- you can guess who the big Indian is. But its a blast just hitting the volleyball. Last Tuesday we lost 15-0. You should have seen the rejoicing when down 6-0 we scored our first point (granted the other team mis-hit the ball) but it was the first success the 6 invdividuals on my team had seen all night. There was much happiness. Granted we ended up losing that game 15-2 and lost the next 4 games but by the end it was at least some what competitive losing the last game 15-13.

My Thursday team is a little better. Our team name is actually - Team Cougar Bait.. however only half of our team is actually cougar bait, the other half are females, but we have a good time goofing off and occasionally do win a game or two. Really what it comes down to is not winning (although that is def a nice side effect) but every week we get a little bit better. Its only a matter of time before we break out as a team and really start to dominate the Tracks volleyball circuit -- after the Tracks.. we are on to the Olympics..

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